Jntech solar air conditioner economy
Nov 25 , 2020
Why we choose a solar air conditioner rather than a normal one? Economy - Averagely, Solar air conditioners could save 1.5 kWh to 2 kWh per hour in sunshine duration, which means, approximately, with a solar air conditioner we can save 16 kWh a day with 8 hours sunshine duration. With the world average on-grid electricity price of $0.15 per kWh, a solar air conditioner could save a min...
Does a Solar Powered Air Conditioner Really Work? Ask Jntech
Nov 30 , 2021
Are solar air conditioners really useful? When the sun shines on our houses and heats the indoor environment, we need air conditioning units most. This heating occurs because the sun releases a large amount of energy, which is then transported through absorption and convection. We are all familiar with this process. Those of us who live in hot climates spend a lot of time and money on technology a...